Unyielding Dusk Armado Summon Badge

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[Secret Peak 6F] You can summon Unyielding Dusk Armado (5-player Boss Monster) by using it in front of the incense burner at the Demon Spawn Point.

— In-game description

Acquisition[edit | edit source]

Crafted by[edit source]

Rewarded by[edit source]

Unyielding Dusk Armado Summon Badge is not being rewarded through missions.

Contained in[edit source]

This item is not contained in any container.

Sold by[edit source]

Unyielding Dusk Armado Summon Badge is not sold or traded.

Used for[edit source]

Unyielding Dusk Armado Summon Badge is not used in crafting recipes.